
Pangea Professional Services empowers organizations and stakeholders committed with the Global Sustainable Goals. We bring together strategic experience and Earth Observation capabilities to develop local solutions that contribute to the International Agenda in a cost-effective way.

In Pangea, our aim is to translate the Earth observation outcomes to the highest impact and with multiplier effects. The organizations where we have identified this potential are listed below.

Through a multidisciplinary collaboration we create a foundation for forward-looking our clients to deliver organizational acuity from Earth observations, providing them of the grantmaking needed on this transformation.

We start the conversation with a special attention to human capacity, organizational functions and processes as well as their policies and governance around data resources.

With an Agile approach, we intensively engage while the Plan-Do milestones of the managerial process are completed, whereas we prioritize in the client’s organization autonomy providing support during the operational periods.

The below sunburst chart illustrates our main hierarchies of tasks along the evolution of a typical Earth observation project.

Pangea Professional Services flagship methodology

Special acknowledgment for this section:

  • The Digital Nonprofit Ability Assessment, Created by The Center for the Digital Nonprofit, 2018

  • Satellite Earth Observations and Their Impact on Society and Policy, Masami Onoda • Oran R. Young Editors, Springer Open, 2018

  • How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, Bill Gates, 2021